Monday, November 19, 2007

In The Beginning...

Is it possible for a title to be clever and cliche? I don't think so. I'll let you decide which this is.
What reason(s) do I have to host a blog? Is my life that interesting? Do I have something profound to share with humanity that, if left unsaid, would result in some injustice? Probably not.
As egocentric it may be, I've found myself wanting to put pen to paper, or rather fingertip to keyboard, in order that I might educate you on my favorite I do this not necessarily for your or my solitary benefit but in the hopes that we might mutually find favor in the things that fall from my heart into my head.
By way of disclaimer, let me begin by assuring some and warning others that I am in love with Jesus Christ. For those that do not understand this terminology, this means that Jesus is the most important thing in my life. Through His example, constant encouragement, and direction I live (or try to live) my life. It is in humble service and gratitude to Him that I find myself working and living my day-to-day life.
My name is Brandon Consalvi. I am one of few who have the honor and privilege of being paid to serve my Savior. I make money at doing something that I would normally do for free. Since becoming a Pastor I have often thought of the words my dad shared with me when I was in high school, looking for direction and a career. He said, "find something that you love doing and get someone to pay you for it." Now, a few years out of college and a year of pastoring experience gained I feel obliged to smile at the reality that those words of simple wisdom have manifested in my life so sweetly and profoundly.
Shortly after believing and receiving Jesus into my life I found that serving God in whatever way possible became and irresistible craving. I began serving in small roles, helping here and there. I then continued with some foundational experiences of humble service, including setting up chairs for Sunday morning. For the more fortunate worshipers, who have never experienced the "church in a box" situation, let me explain. Our church, South Shore Christian Fellowship, is a young body of believers that has only been around for a little over two years. What that means for us, mostly due to the real estate situation in Hawaii, is that we have to rent other facilities in which we hold our Sunday service. Currently we rent the cafeteria out of an elementary school in Aina Haina. So as Sunday morning rolls around we cart, carry, and haul all of our stage, sound, seating, and visual materials out of a large metal container and into the cafeteria. It's certainly worth it, but we look forward to the day when it is no longer necessary.
As a Pastor and servant in the church I have a few responsibilities that have continually pushed and stretched my boundaries and comfort zones. I currently am the Youth Pastor, the Worship Leader, the radio editor, the sound engineer, and in charge of a few other tasks as they come up. It's exciting to be a part of such a great ministry and watch the growth that God provides in it and through it.
Perhaps the greatest thing about being where I am is knowing that I live and exists in the center of God's will so I know that all the stretching and pushing that goes on is from Him in order that He might make me into a more useful servant. It's only been a year since it all began but I can already see the immense growth that is happening. I know that this is just the beginning and some exciting things are stick around.

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