Friday, August 1, 2008


What is it about vacation that requires that the days immediately preceding and succeeding must be the most horrific and task-rich days of the year? Well, it's not that bad for me but it seems to consistently follow that trend.
I've just returned from four days of rest, relaxation, and bliss. It has truly been a holiday for Carrie and I. The general trend for times like these seem to include getting sick, maybe getting into an argument or two, getting sucked into work email or phone calls, but none of that was present. We got to settle into our lounge chairs by the pool and let all the cares melt away with the sun.
I'm returning a very thankful and aware man. Thankful for the wife God has given me, for the home and comforts allotted to me, and aware of how blessed my life is. It feels very Disney to say it, like you should imagine these words coming from a furry pink bunny sitting atop a green grassy knoll, but it is so true. I am so content with life, so much so that it surprises me. Not that I can be or am content but that it's so contrary to what the world prescribes for someone my age in my position. Instead of contentedness I should feel contention. I should be fighting and clawing and perhaps backstabbing my way to the top of the money heap so that my family is well taken care of.
But what I've learned these past four days is that simplicity is where total satisfaction is hidden. Paul said that in all things he had learned how to be abased and to abound, to suffer need and to be without need or want. Being content is a hard lesson to learn, one I feel I'm just beginning to learn, but it is so essential to overall health and well-being.
God is such an gracious and faithful provider.

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