Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Music Industry Got Something Right

C'mon, you know the lyrics..."I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way..." You're probably singing the rest in your head right now, likely in falsetto because who can sing as high as Whitney? "Show them all the beauty they possess inside..."
But here's the point, children ARE the future. It's a fuzzy and touchy-feely way of realizing that the natural progression of power, leadership, influence, and control pass naturally and effectively to the young and impressionable minds we are leading today. My pastor just posted a blog stating that the courts in California have ruled that homeschooling is now illegal. What are they thinking? In an age where reason and logic seem to have gotten tossed out with the Commandments, we who actually have something meaningful to stand for (i.e. Jesus Christ) are fighting an uphill battle. Now we know that the victory has already been won by God when we look with eternal eyes, but these day-to-day battles are hard-fought and easily lost. We fight to maintain the hope and future for our children but our government is continually setting up roadblocks in their path.
This weekend (March 14-16) there will be a gathering of over 150 kids and nearly 50 leaders for the Calvary Chapel Spring Break Camp at Camp Homelani in Waialua. Our vision, our goal is to introduce these young minds to Jesus. Here we get the opportunity to fight the battle on our own terms, not having to challenge their attention from the PSPs, iPods, PDAs, XBoxes, TVs, Computers, etc., etc., etc. But instead they're forced to leave the distractions behind while we try to undo all the damage the public school system has done (or failed to do) by filling their minds with everything that is fleeting and meaningless. One weekend is hardly a fair and adequate advance on their mind but we have an awesome and powerful God, who has done much more with far less.
I ask you to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY this weekend. Stay in prayer for the lives and futures of these kids. God has such great plans for them, they just need the chance to escape the world and discover the treasure that is our Loving, Awesome, Mighty God.
Whitney began the song well, but she got it wrong as she continued, "everybody's searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to. I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs, a lonely place to be. So I learned to depend on me." Whitney knows that the end of self-dependence leads to drug addiction and worse. These kids need Jesus.

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