Friday, December 21, 2007

The Reality of Carnality

There is an unfortunate an ever present verity that exists within the walls of the Christian community called carnality. We know that carnality is the natural, in-born tendency toward sin and the satisfaction of our personal desires. From its very nature, carnality is in direct conflict with the new spiritual life we have in Jesus. It has been observed that the Christian walk is often patterned by an intense spiritual zeal followed by a gradual propensity toward carnality. What begins as a powerful, effectual spiritual force that changes lives becomes so diluted within the believer that the struggle to avoid and conquer temptation and sin is frequently lost. One can postulate that this is due to increased intesity from the spiritual opposition, however this can't be the only reason. The common assessment is that the believer experiences what many call the "tyranny of the urgent," meaning that there is a disconnect with God due to an over-occupation with tasks and service. I have found that the tendency to involuntarily exclude God from our service of Him and life in general is an alarming temptation. This is not to say that we try to exclude God but that we become so concerned about the "things" and the "to-dos" that we lose focus on God and forget the whole purpose and point of the ministry.
Now I may be digging myself a hole, exposing myself as the immature and, for all intensive purposes, infant Christian that I am, but I don't boast of having all the lay off.
At this point I have noticed, and am currently concerned about, the reality of this temptation to let the carnal nature propel the day to day ministry rather than the dunamous that I should be relying solely on. God is able and worthy and entirely self-sufficient, so why are we inserting our own efforts and fleshly power into the equation? It's silly. Thankfully, God doesn't expect anything more from us, because we are, after all, and bunch of sheep. Thankfully, He only expects us to lean on Him and try.
Here is the challenge: don't forget to include Him. God promises His "rewards" to those who seek Him diligently. D.L. Moody once said, "the world has not yet see what God can do with a man fully consecrated unto Him, and I aim to be that man." If by our diligence and desire we too can stake that claim to our lives, the floodgates of Gods blessings will by no means be withheld from our lives and ministries and this infection of carnality will disintegrate.
May God lead you.


Anonymous said...

Brandon- It is truly a blessing to see the place that the Lord has brought you to and how He is working in your life and challenging your thoughts, or rather elucidating them... I love you brotha and look forward to the many posts you will bless people with in the near future...

God Bless

Brandon Kidd

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being transparent.

Anonymous said...

Young,yes, but you will find that the more you seek God to be the lover of your soul, your friend, your walking companion, you will find the carnality desire diminish for it will no longer have a hold on you. You whole being wraps up into what God wants for you. Jeremiah quotes God, "If you seek me, I will be found." Just as you want a relationship with your spouse, God wants that from us. When you come to that total dependance and trust in God, all the rest seems to lessen. I know you will get there (or God will bring you there.)